Please note that due to uncooperative weather the prescribed burn in the Levirs area of the Kimberley Nature Park has been postponed until further notice.
READ MORE: Prescribed burn planned for Thursday
Prescribed burns can only take place if conditions are right.
The area in question is on the western edge of Kimberley. The entire unit covers 40 ha. Adjacent land to the south and west is Provincial Crown Forest. Land to the north is owned by the Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (Trickle Creek Golf Course), and land to the east is private. The historic fire interval for the project area was approximately 13 – 25 based on extensive fire history reconstructions in adjacent MSdk ecosystems. The project area last burned in a large wildfire in 1919. Numerous small human-caused fires have been suppressed in the project area in the last decade. The unit was thinned in 2005 and had manual fuels clean-up, involving slashing small diameter trees, piling and burning or chipping, in 2006/2007.