The City of Prince Rupert is seeking engagement from residents surrounding the new Official Community Plan. The survey is the City’s first reach-out in 2020 for feedback from the population which will be followed by in-person meetings to share viewpoints.
Ten residents will be provided lunch with Prince Rupert mayor, Lee Brain, as part of the community engagement process, to discuss ideas for the future of the city. The meeting attendees will be chosen randomly from the responses to the survey.
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“A main aim of the survey is to test some of the land use related to the recommendations that the 2030 Vision Plan had for Prince Rupert,” Lee Brain, mayor, said.
“Our Official Community Plan (OPC) is in need of a refresh, and there is no better time than now to reopen our land use rules to see if there are opportunities for improvement and to enable some of the great ideas that were proposed,” Brain said.
The existing OPC was developed in 2007 and is now 13 years old. It is an important bylaw that details the long term vision of community development, the city said. The OPC will include objectives and policies that guide decisions on planning and land use management, the form and character of development, as well as defining social, economics and environmental policies.
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“An OPC review and updating involves significant pubic involvement from start to finish to ensure that its goals and policies reflect community concerns and hopes for the future,” the City said.
Participants of the survey will be entered into a draw to win of five $100 gift certificates. The survey, which is open until March 31, is available online through the Rupert Talks platform at and will be delivered in paper copy to the Seniors’ Centre, Library, City Hall and Recreation Complex.
K-J Millar | JournalistÂ
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