Princeton Community Consultation results released

Dr. Barbara Pesut and her research team have prepared a report containing a summary of the data collected at the Community Consultation.

The purpose of the consultation was to explore current healthcare strengths and challenges from the perspectives of citizens in the community.

Views on strengths of current health care delivery were reported as: the dedication of healthcare providers; care of seniors; services that enhance care: walk in clinics, victim services, end of life care and hospice, nurse practitioner and responsive EMS service; visiting services such as a cardiologist, pediatrician, physiotherapist…Also viewed as strengths were the healthcare delivery infrastructure like Vermilion Court, Ridgewood Lodge, Princeton Hospital, the airport and the two pharmacies.

Grouped into five themes were the challenges viewed on current healthcare delivery. Physicians and 24/7 emergency room coverage received the highest priority. Escalating downsizing of services, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (closures of the emergency room were perceived to have a cascading effect onto EMS services), commuting for care and conflicts in responsibilities and accountabilities for healthcare.

The information contained in the report will be used to develop an action plan designed to improve the healthcare model in the community. To view the complete report, visit the Save Our Hospital Coalition website at


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