Karen DeCicco and Darren Russell have been named principals of the Sooke School District’s two newest schools, both under construction in Langford. DeCicco will lead Pexsisen Elementary while Russell will be at Centre Mountain Lellum Middle School, both starting in spring of 2022. (Courtesy Sooke School District)

Principals named for new Langford schools set to open in 2022

Sooke School District tabs veteran educators with strong track records on the West Shore

  • Feb. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Two veteran educators have been tabbed to lead two new schools currently under construction in Langford for the Sooke School District.

Starting in the spring of 2022 Karen DeCicco, current principal at Crystal View Elementary, will lead the staff at Pexsisen Elementary, while Darren Russell will become the first principal next door at Centre Mountain Lellum Middle School.

The schools are being built on Constellation Avenue, in an area under development near the junction of West Shore and Langford parkways.

DeCicco, who was previously principal at another large Langford school, Happy Valley Elementary, is “thrilled and humbled” to be chosen as principal for the district’s new 500-seat elementary school, she said in a release.

“It is going to be a wonderful adventure of collaboration and connection as we work together to welcome students, staff and families into their new neighbourhood school,” she said.

RELATED STORY: Sooke School District breaks ground on two new Langford schools

Russell, a 31-year employee of SD62 whose resume includes experience at Belmont Secondary, Dunsmuir Middle School and currently, Spencer Middle School, calls his upcoming position an “amazing opportunity.”

“These schools are state of the art and I look forward to seeing the students thrive in them when we open in September 2022,” Russell said.

Centre Mountain Lellum Middle School is slated to have room for 700 students when it opens.

The early start is designed to allow the two principals time to organize staffing and scheduling, support creation of a parents advisory committee and other duties related to the new school startups.

SD62 board chair Ravi Parmar applauded the choice of principals, who will help lead the district’s expansion into new and cutting edge facilities.

Virtual tours of the school can be found on the new schools page at sd62.bc.ca.

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