In what Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Falls area director Ian Morrison is referring to as a win-win situation, the CVRD has granted a private land owner just south of Honeymoon Bay formal inclusion into the community’s water service area.
“It’s a good deal for the community and the land-owners as well,” Morrison said
The director added that this motion is the CVRD’s formalization of action that has already taken place.
The Honeymoon Bay water system already draws its water from a number of wells that were drilled on the property about 15 years go, which have helped move the community away from surface water, and toward ground water service.
This has helped the community avoid an additional cost to treating their water supply, as surface water must receive a higher level of treatment than ground water.
Water was previously drawn from Ashburnham Creek and Cowichan Lake.
“It was an excellent trade-off for the community to be able to provide access to groundwater for the system, removing the need for additional treatment as required for surface water,” Morrison said.
The property’s inclusion into the community’s water service area adds more value to the property, Morrison said, and serve to add a potential 32 future hookups.
“The CVRD is not aware of any immediate plans to develop the land, and should an application come in, and be approved, upgrades to the system would be at the expense of the land-owner,” Morrison said.
The property owner has also granted a right of way to have a private CVRD hydro line a right of way for hydro access and for staff to make improvements, and water system supervision and maintenance, with the CVRD allowing the property owner a hook up in exchange.