Prohibition efforts snare interest from City of Vernon

There is interest among some Vernon council members to ban leg-hold, snare and conibear traps for nuisance animals such as beavers...

Vernon will likely clamp down on the use of wildlife traps.

While no official action has been taken, there is interest among some council members to prohibit leg-hold, snare and conibear traps for nuisance animals like beavers.

“I think we should do it,” said Coun. Brian Quiring.

“They’re dangerous. Kids and dogs can be hurt in them.”

Mayor Rob Sawatzky expects the matter will be addressed by council at its next meeting Feb. 27.

“I’m not aware of any incidents but I’m surprised there isn’t a bylaw already,” he said.

The issue arose after a presentation from Grindrod resident Gina Son.

“Traps are cruel,” she said, adding that any animal caught in such a device needlessly suffers.

“Let’s defend the right of all animals to simply live.”

The Association for the Protection of Fur Bearing Animals is also calling on council to take action.

“Vernon can be made even safer with the elimination of these terrible traps,” said Richard Long, a society member.

Long insists there are more humane methods to  deter or relocate beavers and other animals.

“They don’t have to be killed. Trapping is barbaric. It’s from the 1700s. Why are we still using them?”



Vernon Morning Star