It’s a challenging time for parents and children who are stuck at home because of COVID-19.
No pools or water parks open. Playgrounds are suspect and play dates are frowned upon as social distancing and self isolation take hold.
One Promontory mom has come up with a small solution to make life better for kids in her neighborhood.
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“So I was thinking of something our community could do and still get outside without touching each other or coughing on each other,” Diane Pernitsky wrote on Facebook. “Everything around us seems so sad lately, let’s show each other some LOVE.
“A heart in the window of Diane Pernitsky’s home. The Promontory woman has launched a ‘heart hunt’ idea for parents and children looking for something to do during the coronavirus outbreak.” |
I thought it would be nice to have a neighborhood HEART hunt! All you have to do is put a HEART up in your window THIS WEEK. That’s it! Color it! Paint it! Print it from the printer. Whatever you want! Then we can go outside and walk with our children at some point during the weekend and see how many HEARTS we can find!
It’s easy! No human contact. Get fresh air. Don’t buy toilet paper. Just put a HEART up.
Anyone interested?”
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She got immediate positive response on the Promontory Community FB page, with several people promising to get involved.
“We have three on our house! Come find them,” wrote Alyssa Jade Ryan.
“Went for a walk yesterday saw one heart in a window and it did make me smile,” wrote Cathy Corboy. “I will put one up for sure. Happy heart hunting!”
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