The District of Metchosin’s city hall (Black Press Media file photo)

Property taxes up 2.2 per cent in Metchosin

Income will help hire a badly needed operations manager

  • Apr. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Metchosin property owners will see a 2.2 per cent increase in property taxes this year.

The bump, which will net about $60,000 in revenue for the district will partially fund a new operations manager position.

“We’ve been operating a really lean staff, and with all the changes the pandemic has forced, we need to take the pressure off,” said Metchosin Mayor John Ranns.

They also hope the new hire will eventually be a successor for the chief administrative officer.

Ranns said the increase will cover a portion of the new hire’s salary, with the rest coming from COVID-19 money from the province. They used a portion of that support to upgrade their communications system to live-stream council meetings, essential in the pandemic age, and have tucked away the rest to draw on over five years.

Financial challenge for the district has been exasperated by lost revenue from the Elements Casino being closed since March 2020. Ranns estimates they take in between $90,000 to $100,000 per year from a revenue share model with View Royal where the casino is located.

READ ALSO: View Royal mayor expects $2 million in lost casino revenues by March

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