A survey is asking for respondents on a proposed sport facility.
“We want it to be a centre point,” says Kevin Dorrius, chair of Revelstoke Athletic & Climbing Centre Advisory Group.
While there are many resources in Revelstoke and facilities, one is missing.
According to a recent press release from the group this survey will be used to investigate the needs, benefits and opportunities for a new, non-aquatic, multi-sport recreational athletic facility. Potential uses include a climbing gym, squash and other court space and a 200 metre indoor running track.
“A lot of sport groups in the community are struggling to have stability,” says Dorrius.
“This will help.”
For example, the current squash courts are in need of repair. Since it’s in a private facility downtown, it can be difficult to get grants and funding.
“The key is collaboration. Or we’ll struggle,” says Dorrius.
At the moment, a main difficulty for the project is land. Dorrius says the Community Centre cannot expand, so the group has to find its own space.
“Without land, fundraising is hard. We can’t go for grants,” says Dorrius.
The group says they are in negotiations for obtaining land and will provide further details once it’s secured. Dorrius says they estimate a new centre could cost up to $10 million.
“We’re looking to build world class facilities that can be used for years to come.”
This project is independent from the City and Dorrius says will be funded without tax payers’ money. However, he did note that the City is a big supporter of the project.
So far, Dorrius says the public’s response has been tremendous.
“Suffice to say we’re pleased.”
The group has received 560 survey responses thus far.
“This level of enthusiasm is encouraging.”
Some funding for the project has been raised though the BC Rural Dividend Fund. According to the provincial government the fund provides $25 million a year to assist rural communities with less than 25,000 people to “reinvigorate and diversity their local economies.”
The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/revelstokecommunity