People gathered at the rail car in Smithers Jan. 9 to protest their “loss of freedoms.” (Deb Meissner photo)Jan. 9 people gathered at the rail car in Smithers to protest their “loss of freedoms.” (Deb Meissner photo

Protesters once again gather in downtown Smithers opposing COVID-19 restrictions

This is the second rally in Smithers in the past two months

  • Jan. 9, 2021 12:00 a.m.

On Saturday, Jan. 9, for the second time in two months, people gathered at the railcar in Smithers to protest against government-imposed health measures and restrictions, the media and their “loss of freedoms.”

The rally again began with speeches.

The rally was much smaller than the first, with only 40 to 50 people in attendence.

As the first group had done, after the speeches were over, this group lined up on the highway, some with placards carrying messages in opposition to masks and mandatory vaccines and slogans defending freedoms and liberty.

They then went on to walk up and down Main Street before dispersing.

The RCMP are investigating this rally for being in violation a provincial health officer order banning public gatherings.

Organizers of such events are subject to a $2,300 fine.

Smithers Interior News


Jan. 9 protesters gather at the Rail Car in Smithers (Deb Meissner photo)