The Regional District of Nanaimo is planning to review the Electoral Area F (Errington, Coombs, Hilliers) Official Community Plan.
To get a better perspective on what the community and stakeholders want to see changed and included in the OCP, which is required by the Local Government Act to be consistent with the RDN’s Regional Growth Strategy, a public engagement plan is being laid out in the coming new year from January to July.
The OCP is a statement of objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management. It’s a document that shares the community’s vision, course of action and policies.
The scope of the OCP review has been organized into several topic areas that include reconciliation, growth management, economy, housing affordability, protection of the natural environment, mobility, climate change preparedness, and health and well-being.
READ MORE: Town of Qualicum Beach adopts OCP
The public engagement plan is an important component of the review process. ISL Engineering and Land Services Inc consultants has prepared the engagement plan that is geared towards rising awareness and provide opportunity to gather stakeholder and public input, to facilitate meaningful engagement and to confirm OCP updates with insight from community members.
The engagement strategies the consultant aims to apply include key stakeholder workshops, community pop-ups at local gathering places and events, community workbooks, a youth colouring contest, a survey, and information through the Get Involved RDN website.
First Nations and Metis will be asked to take part along with other stakeholders that include the City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach, Alberni Clayoquot Regional District, Island Corridor Foundation, business associations and chambers of commerce, social agencies and recreational organizations, tourism associations, schools, churches and community organizations.
A report of the outcome of the engagement process will be created and will be used to inform the OCP.