BC Parks is looking for public input on its Wells Gray Recreation Strategy, which will look at how visitor use will be managed to protect the park’s environmental and cultural values while continuing to contribute to strengthening the local and regional visitor economy. File photo

BC Parks is looking for public input on its Wells Gray Recreation Strategy, which will look at how visitor use will be managed to protect the park’s environmental and cultural values while continuing to contribute to strengthening the local and regional visitor economy. File photo

Public input sought for Wells Gray Recreation Strategy

Strategy developed with First Nations, park users, local and regional governments, and stakeholders

  • Oct. 1, 2019 12:00 a.m.

BC Parks is developing a Wells Gray Recreation Strategy and is looking for public input to help with the direction the park will take in the next 10 years.

“Local and regional stakeholders and First Nations have expressed a desire for BC Parks to begin planning for the next phase of front country and backcountry recreation experiences and infrastructure in Wells Gray Provincial Park,” said a spokesperson with BC Parks.

“In response, BC Parks is initiating engagement on a recreation strategy for Wells Gray Provincial Park.”

The recreation strategy is being developed together with local First Nations, park users, local and regional governments, and stakeholders.


According to BC Parks, its mandate deals with conservation and recreation and the Wells Gray Recreation Strategy will look at how visitor use will be managed to protect the park’s environmental and cultural values while continuing to contribute to strengthening the local and regional visitor economy.

“BC Parks is committed to a collaborative engagement process and is providing a variety of opportunities for public, First Nations and stakeholder engagement in the planning process,” said BC Parks.

There are also three upcoming open houses with one in Blue River on Oct. 1 and a one in Lone Butte on Oct. 2.

Those interested can also take the online survey at www.engage.gov.bc.ca

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