After a devastating earthquake rocked Japan, Quesnel residents are encouraged to dig deep or host their own fundraiser for our sister-city Shiraoi.
Although Shiraoi was largely unaffected, its own Japanese sister city Sendai, was devastated by the earthquake and resulting tsunami.
“The situation in Japan is critical,” Mayor Mary Sjostrom said.
“The community of Shiraoi is extremely important to us, as strong ties have been made with the people there over the past 30 years.
“Our sister city relationship with Shiraoi is unique as is their connection to Sendai. Because of these special bonds, the city encourages the residents of Quesnel, young or old, to make a contribution or host their own fundraiser.”
Donations are being accepted at the Integris Credit Union for the Shiraoi-Sendai Relief Fund or at any of the donation boxes located throughout the community. Funds collected will be forwarded to the Shiraoi local government to help them provide much-needed assistance to the residents of Sendai.
“Many of us have made wonderful friends in Shiraoi through the twinning of our cities and we have had the incredible opportunity of visiting their beautiful country,” president of the Shiraoi Twinning Society, Marie Skinner said.
“Shiraoi is doing everything they can to assist Sendai in this crucial time and we want to help.”
On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 Richter scale earthquake struck off the northeast coast of Japan.
Subsequent tsunamis between 3.7 and 10 meters high came ashore along the Pacific Coast of Japan’s islands.