Cariboo Fire Centre personnel participate in the Daybreak Rotary Williams Lake Stampede Parade.

Cariboo Fire Centre personnel participate in the Daybreak Rotary Williams Lake Stampede Parade.

Quick start to wildfire season in Cariboo

After a wet spring and start of summer, the Cariboo Fire Centre has experienced 19 new fires during the last week.

After a wet spring and start of summer, the Cariboo Fire Centre has experienced 19 new fires during the last week.

“Fifteen of these wildfires were caused by the past weekend’s lightning storm and the other four were human-caused,” Cariboo Fire Centre communications specialist Sandra Wagner said. “The majority of these are small spot-sized wildfires and are located north and east of Quesnel.”

So far, the largest fire is located west of Isaac Lake and has burned 20 hectares.

Wagner said this wildfire recently received a significant amount of rain and a 20-person unit crew and two helicopters are making good progress on suppressing the fire.

The Cariboo Fire Centre and the Wildfire Management Branch may begin to experience heightened levels of activity soon due to increasing temperatures.

Highs of 32 C are forecasted for Saturday in Sunday for Williams Lake.

“We would like to remind people to be cautious with their campfires,” Wagner urged, adding anyone lighting a campfire must maintain a fireguard by removing flammable debris from around the campfire area and must have a hand tool or at least eight litres of water available to properly extinguish the fire before leaving the area for any length of time.

To report a wildfire, or unattended campfire, call *5555 on your cellular phone or toll-free at 1 800 663-5555.

For the latest information on fire activity, conditions and prohibitions, visit the Wildfire Management Branch website:

Williams Lake Tribune