Some of the eager volunteers who helped paint the crossings at 3rd Ave and 5th Street in Fernie in pride colours. Left to right: Dylan Cawston, Heather Senior, Holly Kimola and Lisa Janssen. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)

Rainbow crossings come to Fernie

Volunteers painted the crossings at 3rd Ave and 5th Street in Fernie in pride colours

  • Jun. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

There were some rainbows being made in the Elk Valley this week, with more than a dozen eager volunteers answering the call to help bring some colour to the crosswalks of Fernie.

The four pedestrian crosswalks at the intersection of 3rd Ave and 5th Street were painted the colours of the rainbow on Monday afternoon – with more bright splashes of colour to come in the near future.

Jessica Dempsey, who joined in painting the crosswalks said that the crosswalks were a big part of increasing visibility for the LGBTQ+ community.

“When you create visibility people start talking about you and start having conversations,” she said.

Dempsey said that the painting of the rainbows in Fernie was a real community effort.

“I’ve always believed if you’re going to do something in the community you need to get involved.”

The crosswalks were last painted in rainbow colours back in 2018. This year they were re-done as part of Pride Month.

Mayor Ange Qualizza, who helped with setting up road barricades and clearing the crosswalks for painting said that she hoped that they’d become a yearly addition to the community.

“They’re beautiful – people love them, and can’t wait to see them when they’re finished,” she said.

Courtney Baker of Fernie Pride said the event had come together nicely (after being rained out earlier this month), and there were plans to paint the trans colours on the crosswalks in the near future.

“It came together incredibly smoothly – the City was on board right from the getgo and people volunteered.”

READ MORE: Fernie to get rainbow crosswalks for Pride Month

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Fernie Free Press


Volunteers painting the pedestrian crossing on 5th Street in Fernie. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)

The freshly re-painted rainbow crossings in Fernie in 2021. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)