Rash of thefts from autos strike Saanich neighbourhoods

  • Jan. 19, 2011 11:00 a.m.

Saanich police says it feels like a broken record regularly repeating the same message to residents about not leaving items in your car.

“It seems that monthly we put out the reminder not to leave personal identification in your vehicle. Once again we’re putting out the reminder after a number of individuals are reporting the theft of their wallets and purses,” Sgt. Dean Jantzen said.

Overnight between Sunday and Monday, police say at least eight vehicles had items stolen from.

Five residents reported their cars broken into in the area around Tolmie Avenue and Cook Street. Another three reported thefts in the Gorge and Tillicum roads area.

“There are thieves at work in our community and we need to be mindful of that when you lock up your vehicles at night,” Jantzen said, alluding to the fact that most cases involve vehicles that are left unlocked.

Even if nothing was taken from your vehicle, but you believe it to have been entered, call police to report it.


Saanich News