RCMP say they found a large amount of both cocaine and fentanyl, as well as several illegal weapons, including a taser, brass knuckles and various types of ammunition inside a Penticton residence. (file photo)

RCMP say they found a large amount of both cocaine and fentanyl, as well as several illegal weapons, including a taser, brass knuckles and various types of ammunition inside a Penticton residence. (file photo)

RCMP: Cocaine, fentanyl and weapons seized from Penticton residence

Two men and a woman face several charges after search of heavily fortified house

  • Jul. 8, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Two men and a woman face several charges after police seized a large haul of cocaine, fentanyl and weapons from a Penticton residence on Friday.

Penticton’s Street Enforcement Unit (SEU), Targeted Enforcement Unit along with the police dog service executed a search warrant on a Dynes Avenue residence, July 5.

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Inside the heavily fortified residence, RCMP say they found a large amount of both cocaine and fentanyl as well as several illegal weapons including a taser, brass knuckles and various types of ammunition.

According to a media release, the search warrant was a result of a SEU two-week long investigation into illegal drug activity at the residence, which was frequented by people known to police.

RCMP Staff Sgt. Bob Vatamaniuck said the operation was great work by the SEU with help from several other members.

“Seizures of this quantity will have a definite impact on the availability of these drugs at the street level,” he said. “The SEU will continue to perform drug enforcement in the South Okanagan as there is no doubt drug trafficking is a main driver of peripheral crime in Penticton including theft of property.”

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Robin Grant Reporter, Penticton Western News Email me or follow me on Twitter Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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