This urn was found Jan. 4 at a Yale Road bus stop and has now been returned to its owner. (RCMP photo)

RCMP find custodian of urn that was left at Chilliwack bus stop

Police say the urn contained the remains of a family's cat

RCMP have reunited a lost urn with its custodian after a one-week search.

Police issued a call for help Jan. 4 after the urn was found near a bus stop in the 45000-block of Yale Road. The only identifying mark was the intials BJ carved into the bottom, but that was enough.

After the story got out into the public sphere, someone saw it and contacted the owner. As it turns out, the urn did not contain human remains. Rather, it held the remains of a family pet, a cat, and the unnamed owner was pleased to get it back.

“A pleasant conclusion,” said Cpl. Mike Rail, spokesperson for the Upper Fraser Valley RCMP. “Identifying the owner of the urn underlines the significance of the partnership between police and media in the dissemination of information to the public.”

RELATED: RCMP search for custodian of urn left at Chilliwack bus stop

RELATED: Lost dog that showed up at Burnaby RCMP detachment turned over to SPCA

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