RCMP know of witnesses to Oct. 15 attack; want them to come forward

Appeal made to their 'sense of right and wrong'

The Campbell River RCMP are actively seeking witnesses to the attack which occurred near the Royal Bank on Shoppers Row at approximately 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 15.

RELATED: Man dies after assault near Royal Bank in Campbell River

Based on the investigation so far, there is no indication that the attack was random as had been suggested in local social media posts, Campbell River RCMP media liaison officer Const. Maury Tyre said.

Police are aware that there are several witnesses to the attack, who have not come forward to provide evidence and are asking that they contact the Campbell River RCMP as soon as possible.

“Our goal in this investigation is to get justice for the deceased and ensure that the correct person is held accountable for their actions,” said Const. Tyre. “Like almost all investigations, police require members of the community to come forward and talk to police about what they’ve seen. While people may be reluctant to come forward, we’re appealing to their sense of right and wrong here. If it was a family member of yours, we know you’d want people to come forward, we’re asking that you do the same.”

If you were a witness to this attack, please contact the Campbell River RCMP at 250-286-6221.

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