RCMP Report: Break-ins to vehicles

Sometime around 5 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9, two vehicles were broken into near Robson Place

Break-in to vehicles

Sometime around 5 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 9, two vehicles were broken into near Robson Place in Weyerhaeuser subdivision. Little was stolen and little evidence was left behind at the scene,

If anyone noticed anything suspicious during that time in the morning and feels that it may be helpful, please contact the police station.This incident serves as reminder to keep vehicles locked at night and keep valuables out of plain sight.

In this case, the vehicles may have been better targets than others in the area because there were left unlocked.

Stolen snowmobile

During the night of Jan. 9, a 2007 black/white Skidoo Summit snowmobile was stolen from the parking lot of the Blue River Motel.

Given the circumstances it is possible that the sled may still be in the area.Police are asking for people to observe and report.

The snowmobile is listed as stolen and riders in possession of the sled could be charged with possession of stolen property.

Donuts in the parking lot

On Jan. 10, police responded to a driving complaint. A white van entered into the parking lot at the Mountainview Motel in Blue River and started doing donuts in the parking lot before sliding into the back end of a parked pickup truck.Police attended and located the van at a nearby residence.

Police woke up the residents who were believed to be responsible. A violation ticket for failing to remain at the scene of an accident was issued to the owner. The matter is still under investigation.

Talking with your teen

Sexting is unfortunately a common occurrence in schools these days. Cellular phones are a useful tool but can also be used recklessly and once in a while, the police become involved.

The common scenario:  boy meets girl and the two have an intimate relationship; boy and girl exchange photographs; boy and girl break up and one of them posts an embarrassing photograph on the Internet or sends it out to friends.As the people of this province learned from the rave in Pitt Meadows a few years ago, criminal charges may result, but the photographs will still remain.

Despite the best efforts for prevention, teenagers continue to engage in this type of behaviour. Police encourage parents to speak to their teens about cell phone use and consider parental control software to restrict use. The Internet can be a useful research tool for parents to get educated about prevention and protection and learn how to effectively start the conversation that could impact their future.



Clearwater Times