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PHOTO: Twitter

RECAP: Friday night happenings in Kelowna

Events are ongoing this weekend throughout the Central Okanagan

Friday was a busy day for the Central Okanagan.

The Kelowna Chiefs won their match last night 6-2 Friday night.

Sports reporter Mackenzie Britton has the recap.

The Canadian Wrestling Elite held matches in Kelowna Friday night, as part of its 10th anniversary tour.

The SOSJ Art and Wine Fundraiser was held Friday night at Sandhill Winery. All these lovely art pieces have been generously donated by the artists as well as art collectors.

The B.C. Dragoons had a training session in Lake Country Friday and got the chance to test drive their TAPV armoured patrol vehicle.

Have events happening where you live? Tag us with #YourKelowna for a chance to be featured.

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Kelowna Capital News