A teenage was struck by a blue SUV on Tuesday.
The teen was crossing the street at Victoria Road and First Street when they slipped and fell to the ground. In a news release from the Revelstoke RCMP, it says the SUV then drove over the pedestrians leg with both front and rear passenger side tires. The vehicle paused, but soon continued on its way.
The SUV was driven by a female with dark chin length hair. The RCMP are seeking to identify the driver and vehicle, which also has a spare tire on the back.
The teen went to the hospital and was released with minor injuries.
The RCMP said they are conducting an enforcement and education campaign for the rest of the week.
They would like to remind people to clear vehicles entirely of snow before driving, stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and drive at speeds appropriate for conditions.
According to DriveBC, there is limited visibility on Highway 1 with heavy snow. Caution is advised.
Police will be stopping drivers in Revelstoke to addressing the following violations. The cost of a ticket is beside each violation.
– Distracted Driving – $578
– Illegal auxiliary lamps (i.e. LED light bars) – $109
– Speed relative to conditions – $167
– Follow too closely – $109
– Fail to signal turn – $121
– Fail to yield to pedestrian – $167
– Driving while view obstructed – $109
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