Ridge Meadows RCMP is releasing the second step, and second video, in their strategic planning initiative.
All RCMP detachments are required to complete strategic plans in order to help guide their ongoing operations over a set period of time. In July of this year, and as part of their 2021-2024 Strategic Plan development, the Ridge Meadows RCMP released a media statement including the first component in a three-part video series which assists in understanding why our police officers perform the work they do.
READ ALSO: RCMP asks public how Mounties can better serve the community
Today, the second video, Ridge Meadows RCMP – The How, is being released.
The video shares with the public how police in Ridge Meadows provide service to their communities and highlights support services, training initiatives and the collaboration of community stakeholder groups as well as specialized and integrated police units.
Further to the unique use of video is the provision of direct public input through an online survey. The survey link can be found in the latest video or directly accessed at www.surveymonkey.com/r/5YZ3C2V. Community and stakeholder group discussions are also scheduled in the coming weeks to further seek public consultation and input.
No two cities are alike and, given the City of Pitt Meadows is currently undergoing a police services review and request to achieve an independent detachment, survey questions are about the services provided to Maple Ridge. The Ridge Meadows RCMP will continue to provide police services to Pitt Meadows and the Katzie First Nation until a decision is reached, expected later this year.
Once public consultation and survey data and feedback is collected a final video release will share with the public what the final 2021-2024 Strategic Plan will look like.
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