Riding club granted exemption

Coldstream supports Vernon and District Riding Club, Sovereign Park and turtle habitat

Local horse enthusiasts have saddled up some support.

The Vernon and District Riding Club managed to persuade Coldstream council to give them a 100 per cent tax exemption on their property.

In recent years, the club has received a 50 per cent exemption, but the loss of a gaming grant for 2012 has forced the club into a deficit position for the coming year.

“With the recent economic conditions, grant funding for organizations such as ours is becoming more difficult to secure,” said Chelsea Balcaen, VDRC president.

The club provides a venue for all ages and all  equestrian disciplines to share their love of the sport. The grounds are also used by organizations such as the Vernon Pony Club and others who enjoy the space in the evenings to walk their dogs.

Director Linda Edwards appreciates Coldstream’s 100 per cent exemption (which represents more than $1,300 in taxes foregone).

“This is a small token for the community of Coldstream to pay to support the works of this community organization,” she said.

Sovereign legacy suggested

Coldstream is working to keep the memory of a pair of community pioneers alive.

Agnes and Art Sovereign’s legacy will hopefully live on through their old property on Kidston Road, which has become a community park.

Originally the park was named Coldstream Centennial Park, to mark the 100th anniversary of the municipality. There was also a policy prohibiting using the name of former property owners.

But since receiving 98 letters of support, Coldstream is advising that a more suiting name for the park is Sovereign Park. The final decision will be up to the Regional District of North Okanagan.

Among the letters of support for the name Sovereign, was one from Karly Sovereign, granddaughter of Art and Agnes, and daughters Adriel Wilson and Sheila Sovereign.

“The name change of the park would keep the memory of these two amazing people in the city of Vernon for years to come and give the park a name that it deserves,” said Karly Sovereign.

Turtle Crossing implemented

Why did the turtle cross the road?

Because Coldstream told it to.

Efforts are being made to keep turtles around in Coldstream.

The district is working on creating a designated nesting area for turtles at the Kalavista Lagoon, as well as placing Turtle Crossing signs on Kalamalka Road. The signs will be erected in April to alert traffic to turtles in the area.

“The vast majority of the migration of the turtles starts in the spring,” said Michael Stamhuis, Coldstream chief administrative officer.



Vernon Morning Star