Hope residents will be seeing single lane alternating traffic on four local roads until the end of October, as road repairs and utilities installations take place.
The single lane alternating traffic change will take place from July 27 to Oct. 31, weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and will affect the following roads according to a news release from Timbro Contracting:
n 3 Avenue between CN railway and Old Hope Princeton Way
n 7 Avenue between Park and Wallace streets
n Robertson Crescent
n Silver Valley Estates Strata (20118 Beacon Rd.)
Road repairs and underground utilities installations will be happening in these areas, and residents should expect traffic diversions, parking restrictions and road closures the district stated. The workers will try to minimize the impact on local businesses on these streets, the release from project manager Sushanth Daniels stated.
To contact the contractors regarding the traffic changes, Daniels can be reached at 604-796-3851 ext 104 or susanth@timbroconstruction.com. Construction updates can be found at hope.ca.
Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email:emelie.peacock@hopestandard.com
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