Willy Reimer poses with Robert Bateman Secondary grade 9 student Brynn Ellis and her artwork at Bateman and Clayburn Middle Schools Formal fine arts night at the Reach Gallery

Willy Reimer poses with Robert Bateman Secondary grade 9 student Brynn Ellis and her artwork at Bateman and Clayburn Middle Schools Formal fine arts night at the Reach Gallery

Robert Bateman students display art

The school held a fine arts exhibition on Tuesday night at The Reach Gallery Museum

  • Apr. 28, 2015 2:00 p.m.

The art department from Robert Bateman Secondary held a student art show at the Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford on Tuesday evening. More than 150 people attended the event which included works in a multiple of mediums. Visual Art works from students at Clayburn Middle School were also on display.

School board officials and trustees were invited to the event, as well as students, parents, family and friends.


Go to the News Facebook and Flickr pages for pictures of tonights event.

Abbotsford News