New Democrat Zeb King, BC Green Adam Olsen and Liberal Stephen Roberts will have a busy day on Oct. 15 when they will participate in at least two all-candidates’ forums, starting with an afternoon forum hosted by the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, then followed by an evening forum hosted North Saanich Residents Association. (Wolf Depner/News Staff)

New Democrat Zeb King, BC Green Adam Olsen and Liberal Stephen Roberts will have a busy day on Oct. 15 when they will participate in at least two all-candidates’ forums, starting with an afternoon forum hosted by the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, then followed by an evening forum hosted North Saanich Residents Association. (Wolf Depner/News Staff)

Saanich North and the Islands candidates can expect ‘surprise’ questions during forum

North Saanich Residents Association hosts forum Oct. 15 at Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church

  • Oct. 13, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The three local candidates running in the upcoming provincial election can expect “surprise” questions in an all-candidates forum scheduled for Oct. 15.

Paige Gibson, vice-president of the North Saanich Residents Association (NSRA), made that promise in announcing the all-candidates meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church on East Saanich Road.

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Incumbent Adam Olsen running for the BC Greens, Stephen Roberts running for the BC Liberals and Zeb King running for the New Democrats will answer questions, which the association will have drawn from its members in advance, with no live questions from the floor.

“Candidates will have the opportunity to answer three questions provided to them in advance, and the rest will be ‘surprise’ questions,” Gibson added.

Gibson said the event will limit the audience’s size to 50 pre-registered association members. Media will be able to follow from a special section in the church, and other interested parties can follow a live-stream.

John Kafka, NSRA’s president, will moderate.

NSRA’s debate will be the second election forum on Oct. 25 as the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce will host a virtual forum earlier that day from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

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