Dubbed Sea Lionel Richie by his rescuers with the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre, the stellar sea lion died on Feb. 10 – five days after being rescued from the beach. (Marine Mammal Rescue Centre/Facebook)

Sad ending for Sea Lionel Richie, rescued off Vancouver Island beach

Necropsy results pending after death of 2-year-old sea lion

A skinny sea lion was whisked from Greater Victoria’s Island View Beach after a dog-walker’s charge stopped to say hello – and the animal didn’t seem to care.

Dubbed Sea Lionel Richie by rescuers, the stellar sea lion was plucked from the Central Saanich beach on Feb. 5 and taken to the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre in Vancouver.

The sea lion arrived emaciated and weighing just over 95 pounds and received fluid. After a brief first examination, staff figured Lionel was about two years old. After treatment the animal became a little more responsive, less physically cold and showed a little interest in the surroundings.

Despite the staff’s efforts, Lionel died on Feb. 10. Results of a necropsy are pending.

Do you have a story tip? Email: c.vanreeuwyk@blackpress.ca.

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