Cliff Lattery, from Everton Ridge Homes, demonstrates how positioning the shower controls off-centre reduces the need to lean in as far.

Cliff Lattery, from Everton Ridge Homes, demonstrates how positioning the shower controls off-centre reduces the need to lean in as far.

SAFER open house on tap

SAFERhome guidelines will be the focus of an open house Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. at Turtle Mountain.

Imagine if every home in Vernon was designed so that people could age in place. What if the design was simple and easy to implement?  What if it increased the value of your new home?

SAFERhome guidelines will be the focus of an open house Thursday from 6 to  7 p.m. at Turtle Mountain.

“You will be guided through a SAFERhome currently under construction and be shown the differences in design during the building stage,” said Jacob Kuiken, from Everton Ridge Homes.

For those involved in the construction sector, a more detailed presentation will take place at 5 p.m. at the Schubert Centre as part of the City of Vernon’s housing forum.

Patrick Simpson, with the SAFERhome Society, will provide an overview of the 19 requirements for SAFERhome certification.

“We want all families and seniors to have access to a building standard that will get them a safer more sustainable home,” said Simpson.

The Social Planning Council, the City of Vernon, and the Land Trust are part of the team promoting SAFERhome standards.

Residents are welcome to take part in the housing forum presentation at 5 p.m. at the Schubert Centre or drop in for the tour at 6 p.m. at Turtle Mountain.

For more information, contact:


Vernon Morning Star