The rally outside lasted longer than the appearance inside.
Close to 20 women took part in a rally on the steps of the Vernon Courthouse Thursday morning to remember the life of Vernon teenager Traci Genereaux, 18, whose remains were found on a Salmon River Road property in Silver Creek in October. A celebration of Genereaux’s short life was held this week at Vernon’s Upper Room Mission.
RELATED: Traci Genereaux remembered at Vernon vigil
The rally was also held to call for action to end violence against women.
Meagan Louis has a cousin who has been missing in Saskatchewan for the last 10 years, so she understands the pain Genereaux’s family went through with her disappearance.
“I really feel for this cause, and all women who experience violence,” said Louis outside the courthouse.
Showing her support was Vernon’s Debby Hamilton of the Ending Violence Association of B.C., and formerly with the Vernon Women’s Transition House. She has worked in this field for 35 years.
“I am here firstly because I am a woman and I am a community member, and I think what’s happened in Vernon with missing women and across Canada is atrocious,” said Hamilton. “I want to give support to the women who are community members of where these women have gone missing.
“Many years ago there probably wouldn’t have been the level of support for women who are sex workers that there is now, now there is a much better understanding, less judgment and more realization that any of us could be in those shoes,” she said.
“In many ways, the way all of the violence against women that is being uncovered is heartwarming. I really feel, hopefully, that it is becoming more transparent.”
It was the second such rally held on the same day a court appearance was scheduled for Curtis Wayne Sagmoen, 36, who lived on the property that was the subject of a weeks-long police search.
“It’s important to keep holding these rallies because we want to spark change,” said Louis. “We want to keep the pressure up with the police and the investigators, because every time we do something, we notice the police and the investigators show up as well.”
Inside provincial courtroom No. 201 was the matter of Sagmoen, in connection with an incident in Falkland in August. He is charged with disguising his face with the intent to commit an offence; intentionally discharging a firearm while reckless; uttering threats; careless use or storage of a firearm; possessing a weapon for a dangerous purpose; and possession of a controlled substance.
RELATED: Protest at Vernon court for Sagmoen apperance
Sagmoen’s matter Thursday lasted less than three minutes. Crown and Sagmoen’s legal counsel agreed to adjourn the matter for three weeks. He’ll next appear via video on Dec. 14. He has been remanded in custody.
Rally for missing women and in honour of Traci Genereaux at Vernon court house before Sagmoen appearance.