School is back in session after Labor Day in Federal Way. Courtesy photo

School is back in session after Labor Day in Federal Way. Courtesy photo

Salmon Arm RCMP stress awareness of school zone speed limits

Drivers should be extra vigilant this time of year, RCMP say

  • Aug. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The air is cooling off, rain is falling and children are returning to school.

And, with the school year just around the corner comes the implementation of school zone speed limitations to keep children safe.

“Drivers please be extra vigilant at this time of year as some of these children, in all of their excitement, can be a little absent minded around the traffic,” said RCMP Staff Sgt. Scott West. “Your caution might save a life.”

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West said the Salmon Arm Detachment will be monitoring school zones and handing out tickets to drivers who fail to heed the 30 km/h limit. Fines in British Columbia range from $196 to $253 for speeding in a school zone. Excessive speeding can land drivers a $483 fine and the impoundment of their vehicle.

“So please slow down,” West commented.

RCMP suggest parents plan a route for children who will walk to school prior to the first day of class.

“A family walk is a great time to do this. It gives you as a parent an opportunity to point out the stop signs and cross walks to your children and you might learn the footpaths your children are using,” West said.

“Having a solid idea of the route your child is to take to school is great when the principal calls and tells you that the little doddler hasn’t made it in time for attendance.”

West also suggests that parents go over general safety rules and tell children what to be cognizant of while walking to school. Bright coloured clothing is also encouraged.

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