Dorothy Chambers counts fish in front of Full of Beans preschool kids at the Colquitz River fish fence behind Tillicum centre on Friday, Oct. 20. The heavy rains and swollen river entice the spawning fish to head up the river. Travis Paterson/News Staff
Salmon have arrived in Saanich
Two weeks ago, Dorothy Chambers, lead steward with Colquitz River fish fence, couldn't wait for fall downpours, as salmon spawning season approaches.
Two weeks ago, Dorothy Chambers, lead steward with Colquitz River fish fence, couldn’t wait for fall downpours, as salmon spawning season approaches.
Salmon travelling up the Colquitz River on their cradle-to-grave spawning journey like muddy, deep water. The recent run of rainy days has finally delivered the right conditions.
Over the course of 24 hours, the volunteers counted 50 salmon on Oct. 19.
Goldstream News Gazette