Satellite Food Bank office in Clinton

Satellite Food Bank office in Clinton

It will operate every first and third Tuesday of the month

  • Apr. 7, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The 100 Mile House Food Bank has opened up a satellite office in Clinton on April 3.

“We’re very excited for this process and hopefully it works out well, especially for those people who don’t have any accessible means of accessing a food bank,” said Jennifer Tanner, president of the 100 Mile House Food Bank.

Tanner said the food bank was approached by two members of the Clinton Health Care Auxiliary in the middle of January, wanting to know what was required to get a food bank started. She also mentioned that some people from Clinton would come to the food bank in 100 Mile and the new office would cut down on their travelling time.

“What their main concerns were was that there were people unable to travel due to health reasons, lack of resources or some people were just housebound and not even able to leave their house to access food, either that or extreme road conditions so they would just go without,” said Tanner. “So we figured a satellite office would be best while they hopefully try to attain their own foodbank status.”

The satellite office’s distribution days are the same as the one in 100 Mile House, every first and third Tuesday of the month. The office will keep getting food and funding from 100 Mile’s food bank until the office can establish themselves and get their own status.

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