People participating at a Remembrance Day event in Nakusp in 2016. Photo: Jillian Trainor

People participating at a Remembrance Day event in Nakusp in 2016. Photo: Jillian Trainor

Scaled-down Remembrance Day event to take place in Nakusp

People are asked to physically distance and wear masks if they attend the event

  • Oct. 29, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A scaled-down Remembrance Day event will take place at the Nakusp Cenotaph at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11.

Portions of the events that have been cancelled this year include the Remembrance Day service at the Nakusp Legion and the parade from the legion to the cenotaph.

People are asked to practice physical distancing and wear masks when they arrive at the cenotaph to mitigate the risk of COVID-19.

While most of the wreaths will already be laid down before everyone arrives, people can still lay their own down after the ceremony is over.

Once the event begins, Padre Dan Freeman will provide a short sermon and a moment of silence will be observed to commemorate Nakusp soldiers who’ve fought in past wars.

The legion hopes to have both a trumpeter and piper to help play The Last Post, Lament, God Save the Queen and O’ Canada.

A lunch typically held after the ceremony at the legion won’t happen this year due to the pandemic.

“We’re disappointed that we can’t have the lunch this year because normally we provide it for free for our veterans,” said legion president Harvey Truax.

The legion’s lounge area will still remain open to the public after the ceremony.

Legion staff won’t be on streets handing out poppies by donation this November but they’ll still give out poppy trays to businesses that want them.

“We’re expecting our donations to be down this year because talking to people one-on-one along the streets really works,” said Truax.

“We’re still hopeful the community will be generous though to help out our veterans.”

Truax is confident he’ll be able to get someone to Livestream the ceremony on Facebook for people who can’t attend it in person.

This year marks the 75th anniversary since World War Two ended.

READ MORE: Nakusp Secondary School hosts day of remembrance

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