Conservation Service Officer Mark Walkosky said the cat doesn’t pose a threat to humans at this point. Stock photo

School children warned after cougar kills deer in Grand Forks

No cougar sightings after overnight kill, says Conservation Service Officer

  • Apr. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Conservation Service Officers (CSOs) are warning children to walk home in groups after a cougar killed a deer near Perley Elementary School sometime Sunday night, April 25.

READ MORE: B.C. cougar kills fawn next to home of Grand Forks wildlife official

READ MORE: Cougar sightings reported in Grand Forks

CSO Mark Walkosky said the cougar hasn’t been spotted in the area, stressing that the cat doesn’t pose a threat to humans or pets at this point.

“With the amount of deer in this town, it’s not uncommon for cougars to be in the area at this time of year,” he explained.

Walkosky said he notified Perley officials, two area daycare facilities and neighboring residents immediately after reviewing the kill site some distance south of the school yard. The deer carcass has been removed, with a live trap set in the vicinity.

CSOs and forest ministry biologists will decide what to do with the cougar when and if it is trapped, he said. Follow-up measures will depend on a number of factors, including the animal’s age, sex and observed behavior.

Residents are reminded to back away slowly if they happen to spot a cougar. In the unlikely event that you feel you are being followed by a cougar, “act big, make lots of noise and immediately report the spotting,” Walksoksy said.

To report a spotting or any other wildlife concern, please call the toll-free, 24-hour Report All Poachers and Polluters hotline at 1-877-7277.


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