The recent removal of flagging tape from school playground structures is further evidence that COVID-19 related restrictions are gradually being lifted.
However, School District 5 is advising that there are still factors to consider before sending children out to play.
Alan Rice, spokesperson for the School District No. 5 Health and Safety Working Group that has carefully examined the safest procedures for this reopening, has the following recommendations to parents in our community:
• Children using the play structures should be supervised by adults to ensure physical distancing measures are being met.
• Children should wash their hands with soap and water before and after using playground equipment. These structures are not sanitized like the furnishings inside the schools.
• During school hours, the school yard play structures are to be used only by children attending classes at school.
• Avoid arranging play dates with other households. Keep playground group use to children of one household and ensure physical distancing from other users.
• Signage will be posted at all sites indicating:
• The play structures are not sanitized (including tables and benches)
• Supervision of children is highly recommended
• Users assume any and all risk of playground equipment use
School District No. 5 staff would like to thank parents in advance for their cooperation, for it is these precautions that make school playgrounds accessible to our community during these unprecedented times.