School District 52 and the City of Prince Rupert have requested $17,500 from the School Community Connections Program to help with the creation of the Charles Hays Secondary School Performing Arts Studio.
“We have a commitment of about $600,000 so far. We’re pushing to get that last bit [of funding],” Cam McIntyre, S.D. 52 secretary-treasurer, said.
The school district estimates the project will cost $701,235 to create the studio and have committed $250,000 toward it. Two unnamed local companies have also committed $250,000 and $100,000. The Prince Rupert and Region Music Society (PRRMS) is aiming to contribute $88,735 through fundraising.
The school district and city have requested that they receive $12,500 from the School Community Connections Program and an additional $5,000 that would relieve the PRRMS of some fundraising.
The program requires the school district to gain support from the city and does not have any financial implications for the city.
“By giving this approval we are simply approving the idea of the building so they can go forward with their application as opposed to approving their actual design and location,” Gord Howie, city manager, said.
The Performing Arts Studio will be built adjacent but fully independent of the school. The PRRMS will administer the studio to allow community access when school is not in session. Under the current set up, groups cannot have rehearsals during school holidays.
The School Community Connections Program is administered on behalf of the Ministry of Education through a partnership between the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and the British Columbia Trustees’ Association.