Scrap the carbon tax


  • Aug. 14, 2019 12:00 a.m.
Scrap the carbon tax


It’s time for the people of British Columbia to start putting pressure on the NDP government to remove the carbon tax.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney did it long ago so what’s the holdup for the B.C. premier?

At the same time, some of the results of the cancelled carbon tax in Alberta haven’t been perfect. After it was removed, a few gas stations started to pad their own pockets by raising prices by a few cents. That’s theft and it should be illegal.

We should tell Premier John Horgan that he was quick to pick a fight with Alberta, which caused gas prices to go up. But he was slower than wet gun powder to come up with a plan that would make driving more affordable. He was quick to make trouble but slow at trying to fix it.

I hope we see more building and less fighting.

Don’t be another Bill Vander Zalm, not that anybody wants to remember him.


Fred Romanov

Burns Lake Lakes District News