SD 27 to consider providing free feminine hygiene products in schools

The request will be heard at Tuesday evening's school board meeting

A Williams Lake high school teacher is hoping School District 27 will consider providing free feminine hygiene products for students.

In a letter penned to trustees, Shannon Rerie said she wanted to bring the board’s attention to an initiative taken by New West School district that she believes SD27 would benefit greatly from.

“The New Westminster district is going to provide free menstrual products in all of their washrooms in their schools, including the gender neutral washrooms,” she noted.

Read more: B.C. school district to give students free tampons, pads

Last winter, Rerie added, the BC Teachers Federation unanimously passed a recommendation that all school districts take on this initiative.

Rerie teaches Socials 10 and said her students are completing a budget survey that will go to the federal government directly, through CIVIX, telling them what they feel should be a priority for this government budget.

“At least six of my students picked free menstrual products as the most important thing the government should be focusing on. In our community we have many low income families, and having a menstrual cycle is not something that is preventable, and as we are all women, we know how much menstrual products can cost every month.”

Trustees will discuss Rerie’s suggestion during the Tuesday, March 12 board meeting.

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