The Cowichan Valley School District is receiving $1,665,000 to fund school maintenance projects.
The projects include boiler upgrades for École Mt. Prevost, heat pumps for Khohemun Elementary, roof replacements for Lake Cowichan Secondary and Drinkwater Elementary and roof upgrades at various other schools.
These funding programs are part of a $206 million provincial investment under the Annual Facilities Grant, School Enhancement Program, Carbon Neutral Capital Program and Bus Replacement Program, to ensure students have well-maintained learning environments and bus services that are safe, comfortable and efficient. This year’s overall funding is a $500,000 increase from the previous year, and a $20.6 million increase from 2016/17.
Nanaimo-North Cowichan MLA Doug Routley says students in the Cowichan Valley will benefit from safer, more efficient schools thanks to over $1.6 million in provincial funding for school upgrade projects in the Cowichan Valley School District.
“The BC Liberals’ 16-year war on education resulted in many essential school maintenance projects being put on hold,” said Nanaimo-North Cowichan MLA Doug Routley. “That’s why our government has wasted no time in funding important upgrades to provide safe and comfortable schools for students.”
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