A Caucasian male appearing in his 50s or 60s with white hair and dark glasses can be seen entering Winemaster at approximately 3:40 a.m. on Sept. 20, thanks to the store’s security footage. The suspect made off with an undisclosed amount of cash from the business’s cash drawer. (Photo from Facebook)

A Caucasian male appearing in his 50s or 60s with white hair and dark glasses can be seen entering Winemaster at approximately 3:40 a.m. on Sept. 20, thanks to the store’s security footage. The suspect made off with an undisclosed amount of cash from the business’s cash drawer. (Photo from Facebook)

Security footage shows grab and go of cash in South Okanagan business break-in

Marla Black is asking for the public's help in identifying the man who broke into Winemaster

  • Sep. 20, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Penticton’s Marla Black was stirred awake in the dead of the night to receive some alarming news, her business Winemaster had been broken into.

Black said RCMP had contacted her shortly after arriving on scene on Sept. 20 following a break-in at her store, located at 1848 Main St., at approximately 3:40 a.m. In the store’s security footage of the incident, the thief, a Caucasian male in his 50s or 60s with grey hair, “punched the front lock out” and walked directly to behind the counter where the store’s cash drawer was kept. He is seen in the video wearing dark glasses, a dark grey hoodie and blue jeans.

“Not a lot of loss. He punched the front lock out so luckily it didn’t break any windows. It took him about 40 seconds to do that and get in here,” said Black. “Then he just grabbed the cash and was out. It only took him a few minutes, since he used a screwdriver to open up the cash drawer. Then he took the drawer and dumped it out of the corner and grabbed the coins and cash.”

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Black is grateful her camera captured the whole incident, because she could see he didn’t go anywhere else in the store and doesn’t appear to steal any product or merchandise. She has been sharing the footage on social media in the hopes of identifying the man, and said in the comments that her security company is working on providing her a still frame of the suspect’s face from the footage.

“He didn’t steal anything else – not a cup, not a glass, not a gift. He didn’t go near any of the wines, just strictly the cash and ran,” said Black.

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If anyone has any information about the break in or recognizes the suspect, they are asked to contact the Penticton RCMP detachment at 250-492-4300.

To report a typo, email: editor@pentictonwesternnews.com.

Jordyn Thomson | Reporter


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