Seniors health survey tonight

Older adults with health conditions asked for input on health services

Health care in rural British Columbia is a popular topic at South Cariboo AGE FRIENDLY events, so seniors who fit the following profile are asked to consider the request for participation in this study.

Are you an older adult (65 years or older) with one or more health conditions?

Are you interested in sharing your views on primary and community care in B.C.’s Interior?

If you fit this profile, you are being asked to consider participating in a research study exploring repositioning (restructuring) of health services for older adults.

The study is being led by researchers from Thompson Rivers University and Interior Health.

The study session is set for today (Sept. 15) for Creekside Seniors Activity Centre at 501 Cedar Ave. in 100 Mile House.

The study will start at 6 p.m. and will take no more than two hours, and there is a $20 gift card honorarium.

For more information or to reserve a spot, contact Allan Bishop at 604-603-6711, Wendy Hulko at 250-377-6130 or e-mail


100 Mile House Free Press