Cousins Keenan Bevaart and Jaxson Leclair cool off in the water at Green Lake Provincial Park. (Melissa Smalley photo - 100 Mile Free Press)

Severe thunderstorm warning issued for 100 Mile House

Special weather statement follows warning of daytime highs of 29 to 38 C for the area

  • Jun. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A severe thunderstorm is on the radar for 100 Mile House as a “dangerous” heat wave continues in the area.

Environment Canada issued a special weather statement for the area Wednesday morning, saying there’s potential for severe thunderstorms with “very strong wind gusts, intense lightning and brief bursts of heavy rain.”

The thunderstorm is predicted as the historic ridge of high pressure, which has caused record-breaking temperatures across the province, shifts to the east.

“The main threats will be very strong wind gusts and intense lightning, with some areas seeing bursts of heavy rain,” the statement reads.

The thunderstorm comes as the area continues to experience a “dangerous” heat wave, with daytime highs for 100 Mile House ranging from 29 to 38 C combined with overnight lows from 16 to 22 C.

“The duration of this heat wave is concerning as there is little relief at night with elevated overnight temperatures. This record-breaking heat event will increase the potential for heat-related illnesses, raise river levels due to glacier melt and increase the risk of wildfires due to drought conditions,” the statement reads.

People are encouraged to drink plenty of water, stay in a cool place. and heck on older family, friends and neighbours and never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle.

To monitor alerts and forecasts, send an email to or tweet reports using #BCStorm.

100 Mile House Free Press