A converted shipping container used as an emergency shelter in Campbell River in 2016. Black Press file photo

A converted shipping container used as an emergency shelter in Campbell River in 2016. Black Press file photo

Shipping containers for renos, not housing

100 Mile residents will have to get professional help to turn a shipping container into a home.

  • Aug. 21, 2020 12:00 a.m.

100 Mile residents will have to get professional help if they want to turn a shipping container into a home.

Council last week amended a District bylaw relating to shipping containers, stating they are “not be used as habitable buildings or building components unless professional involvement is provided.” The bylaw also stipulates that only one shipping container is allowed per residential parcel on a temporary basis, to a maximum of two years, during active construction on the property. The container must be removed within two weeks of the completion of construction or the expiration of the building permit.

“What we’re trying to do is eliminate people from putting them in their back yards or front yards,” CAO Roy Scott said. “You don’t mind people doing it when they’re renovating a home but there are limits when they’re sitting there for two years. It’s ugly as hell and it’s right out in the front yard.”


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