Rendering of completed KBRH front entrance. Image: Interior Health

Rendering of completed KBRH front entrance. Image: Interior Health

Shuttle service at Trail hospital will remain for now

" ... shuttle service will remain in place while work on the new drop-off area ... continues."

The parking shuttle service will eventually cease operations at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH), but only after a new drop-off at the front entrance is ready for use.

Previous: Parking woes at KBRH

Previous: Free shuttle running at KBRH

The Trail Times contacted hospital management two weeks ago in response to a Letter to the Editor the newspaper received on Feb. 8 (“Distress over hospital shuttle”). The reader was concerned that this much-needed shuttle service would only be in place until the end of March, despite ongoing construction.

“Interior Health’s priority is to ensure that people have access to the full services at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital as the major redevelopment work continues at the hospital,” Jane Cusden, KBRH director of clinical operations, replied via email the afternoon of Feb. 20.

“Our temporary parking shuttle was put in place to assist people in getting to the front entrance, recognizing the construction zone has made this more challenging. We realize people, especially those with mobility challenges, may struggle to reach the hospital from the parking that is currently available due to construction,” she said.

“I want to reassure people that the shuttle service will remain in place while work on the new drop-off area at the redeveloped front entrance continues.”

Cusden says, once completed, the newly constructed access will allow people to drop-off loved ones right at the front entrance.

Buses will also use the new area to drop off passengers, freeing up the parking spaces closer to the entrance that are currently out of service for the bus turnaround.

“We will also take a look at the designation of our parking stalls once construction is complete,” Cusden said. “To ensure that there are spaces available close to the entrance for individuals with mobility challenges and other specific care needs.”

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