Mission’s drinking water is still safe, even if it may smell a little different.
The District of Mission issued a statement on its website noting that some residents of Mission receive their drinking water from the Cannell Lake water supply, which is a natural open lake.
According to the website, all lakes are susceptible and home to various aquatic life, such as naturally occurring algae.
“Algae can be harmless but can also produce odours during certain times of the year. Currently, Cannell Lake is experiencing some algae growth which can produce a fishy or metallic type odour.
“It’s similar to the way in which tea disperses from a teabag in a cup of water. This year there has been more algae growth than usual due to the warm days in early May, followed by increased rain.
“Water from this source is regularly sampled and tested. Recent water quality samples continue to meet Provincial water quality standards.
“A carbon filter (like a Brita filter) can be utilized if residents do experience noticeable odour. There are no health concerns with the water supply, and the impacts of the algae are expected to subside soon.”
More information about Mission’s (and Abbotsford’s) water quality can be found online at www.ourwatermatters.ca/Water-Quality
The District is asking the public to please continue to notify them about any water quality issues by calling 604-820-3761 or pworksadmin@mission.ca.