Mika Meyer

Mika Meyer


Smithers council hopeful makes her initial bid for your vote

  • Sep. 25, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Interior News gave all the candidates in the upcoming Smithers municipal byelection an opportunity to provide 500 words about their candidacy.

What they wrote was entirely up to them, although we did suggest they include some biographical information, why they wanted to run, what they thought the most important issue is or issues are and what they wanted to do about it/them.

My name is Mika Meyer and I am running to be a councillor for the Town of Smithers!

For 13 years, this incredible community has supported my growth as a citizen, business owner and parent. Being a councillor will give me an opportunity to give back to the community that I am proud to call home.

I was born in B.C., raised by Japanese immigrant parents and am able to speak Japanese. I grew up understanding the challenges of trying to keep cultural roots alive while seeking acceptance in a new country and culture. Personally, I always longed for the feeling of home, acceptance, and community. Through the years, the community of Smithers has filled that void for me.

I started tree planting a few years after high school, working in many rural communities in B.C. and sparking my interest in natural resource management. I obtained a Natural Resource science degree from Thompson Rivers University and focussed my work experience in forestry.


I worked in that field until 2009, when I started my business Bugwood Coffee at the Smithers Farmer’s Market. In June of 2012, with two young children in tow, Bugwood Coffee opened its doors on Main Street. In addition to our Main St cafe location, we have now grown to include a coffee roaster and continue to employ many members of our community. We are proud to own and operate a successful small business in Smithers’ downtown.

With my husband Nick, we are proud parents of Ruby-Mei and Maxwell who are involved in gymnastics, hockey and most recently, getting into the sport of robotics!

I am a member of the Smithers Chamber of Commerce, treasurer of the Bulkley Valley Gymnastics Association and have worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor at the Bulkley Valley Regional Pool and Recreation Centre.

READ MORE: Four candidates will try for vacant Smithers council seat

I am energetic, open-minded and service-oriented. I will bring a diverse perspective to the council table and model inclusive and respectful dialogue where everyone feels heard.

Here’s my vision:

• Support Smithers’ vibrant economy and maintain our high environmental and quality standards.

• Seek solutions to address housing availability.

• Work towards more quality child care spots.

• Improve accessibility to and availability of town services and facilities.

• Advocate for and nurture a safe, inclusive community where everyone can belong.

As we look towards recovery and stability from the effects of COVID-19, collaboration, creativity and commitment will be critical. I am asking for your support on October 17, together, let’s continue to build a community where all residents can thrive.

I look forward to connecting with you!

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Smithers Interior News