Bella Coola isn't the only place experiencing smoke from the US wildfires (photo submitted)

Bella Coola isn't the only place experiencing smoke from the US wildfires (photo submitted)

Smoky skies from US wildfires continue to affect Bella Coola

There is a special air quality warning in effect from Environment Canada for our region

Bella Coola is experiencing the same smoky skies as the rest of the province as wildfires in the US continue to burn. Environment Canada says air quality advisories posted across most of British Columbia since last week should spread east across Alberta due to wildfire smoke from the United States.

Relief will not come as quickly for B.C. residents, with the air quality index showing smoky conditions will improve only marginally by Tuesday.

The index uses a scale of one to 10 to rank risk from stagnant or smoky air and currently lists the risk at 10-plus for all but the northern quarter of B.C.

A dense, fog-like haze shrouds many cities, from Victoria and Vancouver east to Kelowna, Kamloops and the Kootenay region, turning day into a misty, smoke-tainted twilight.

The smoke comes from hundreds of wildfires burning in Washington state, Oregon and California, that have destroyed whole communities and killed at least 35 people.

If you or those in your care are exposed to wildfire smoke, consider taking extra precautions to reduce your exposure. Wildfire smoke is a constantly-changing mixture of particles and gasses which includes many chemicals that can harm your health. For more details, please consult

Coast Mountain News