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Snow melted at Summerland Reservoir

Earlier measurements showed above normal snow levels at two Summerland sites

The snow pack has melted from the Summerland Reservoir measurement site, but some snow still remains at the Isintok Lake site.

The May 1 measurements showed no snow remaining at the Summerland Reservoir and just 310 millimetres of snow, or the equivalent of 90 millimetres of water, at the Isintok Lake site.

READ ALSO: Summerland’s April 1 snow pack levels near normal

READ ALSO: March 1 snow measurement at Summerland Reservoir above normal

Measurements are recorded on the first day of the month from January to May and then twice a month until the snow pack has melted.

Earlier this year, the snow pack at Summerland Reservoir was above average. The Jan. 1 measurement showed the snow pack was 148 per cent of the historical average, measured over 58 years. February and March measurements were 124 and 127 per cent of the historical average, and the April 1 measurement was 103 per cent of the historical average.

At Isintok Lake, the measurements were much closer to the historical average, with the Jan. 1 measurement at 104 per cent of normal, based of 57 years of data. The Feb. 1 measurement was 79 per cent of normal. March and April measurements were 99 per cent and 100 per cent of normal.

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Summerland Review