Apex Mountain Resort employees woke up Wednesday morning to a wintry surprise.
The snowfall on Apex Mountain, west of Penticton, started around 8:30 a.m. on June 19 and lasted about two hours, according to James Shalman, general manager at Apex Mountain Resort. The flakes stayed on the ground for about four hours.
READ MORE: Unexpected snow on Okanagan Connector, Pennask Summit
“It can happen any month of the year, June, July or August. This is not atypical for us. We get a cold day and it snows. It snowed last month up there. We have seen snow in July, but it is less frequent,” he said.
Aaron Galvin, snow school manager with the resort, posted a video of the weather to Facebook.
As a general rule, Shalman said the mountain is eight to 10 C colder than Penticton.
The mountain near Penticton wasn’t the only spot to get snow on Wednesday.
Environment Canada issued a special weather alert for the Coquihalla Highway from Hope to Merritt, saying an unstable air mass over B.C. resulted in mixed precipitation and snow accumulations above 1500 metres at the Okanagan Connector over Pennask Summit.